This one time, at…

Record companies were a great idea for a different time.  One artist couldn’t get more than maybe 1000 fans without radio, tour support, and recording.  Record companies could take risks on really out there stuff, and make up for twenty strikeouts with one hit record.

That system is folding in on itself like a dying star, and after the last 15 years it deserves it.  Music out of the big labels gets increasingly boring, predictable, and safe every year out of the panic of becoming irrelevant.  So who seems to have stolen the bigwigs’ cool?  Bandcamp. That’s right, children. That place formerly reserved for nerdy clarinet players is now opening its doors to all music types.

Bandcamp is rapidly gaining legitimacy to the point that even artists like Sufjan Stevens and Amanda Palmer are using it as their main distribution platform.

Besides your usual ::yawn:: digital downloads, there are all sorts of cool packages you can pick up.  I picked up “Amanda Palmer Goes Down Under” along with this wonderful little fanclub-style goodie package for just $10.

This is what the accountants and lawyers running the big recording firms have forgotten.  The people who still spend money on music aren’t into what everyone else is listening to, they want to feel a connection to the artists they enjoy.  They want to feel like there is something special about their relationship to the music, and in turn to the artist.  At least that’s what I want to feel.

Don’t have a lot of scratch to buy a goodie package?  Your soul, and by soul I mean e-mail address, can get you a great little gem from The Wools. For joining their mailing list you get a 3 song E.P. that I can’t stop listening to.
I download dozens of new tunes every week and end up deleting most of them.  The only flaw in this E.P. is that it’s like three potato chips.  I loved them all, but I’m annoyed that there aren’t more.  This is a great group to start your bandcamp experience with. I just told you about good free music. What are you still reading this for? I would’ve clicked that link sentences ago.


Filed under From the Web, Music

Tramps like us, baby we were born to run!

We all have things we need to recover from–usually situations we created for ourselves based on decisions we made. We mess up, and a circle of people help us learn how to get over it. Take a moment; right now, remember what that felt like – to have people who care let you know you’re valued, that you can get over anything, and that you can do anything–even after you feel like you made a terrible mistake. That feeling is priceless. There’s lots of ways to pay that forward.

Back On My Feet is a non-profit organization whose main mission is to operate running groups for homeless men and women in cities across the nation.

I edited a video about the Washington D.C. chapter, and I’ll let the men who experience the benefits of the group do the talking:

Learn more about volunteering in Washington D.C. here. Getting a work out in while being a part of a community who really needs you: talk about a rush of endorphins. Go get it!

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Filed under District of Coolumbia, Do Good.

Space-age wallets for the green age.

My mighty wallet a la Plastic Man.

Empty the average guy’s pockets.  Keys, phone, and a plain brown or black cowskin wallet worn out and bloated like George Costanza’s famous filing cabinet that you sit on.

People carry wallets out of necessity, but they don’t have to be the same wallet your grandpa carried around for 40 years.  A mighty wallet is a super thin, lightweight alternative to your Dockers brand animal carcass.

There are dozens of mighty wallet designs to help you customize your back pocket thanks to the team they’ve got at Dynomighty.  They’re made out of Tyvek (feels like an air mail envelope) which is made out of recycled milk jugs and plastic bottles, waterproof, tear resistant, and expands or contracts based on how long it’s been since payday.  Check out this video to see it in action!

Seriously, these things live up to their “mighty” name. Check out this full-grown man hanging from one!

You’d think such a mighty strong, mighty creative product would be expensive, but it’s actually cheaper than most of your boring old department store wallets at only $15.

Your wallet is lame. You should make it MIGHTY!

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Filed under Do Good., Going green.

Oh, yeah. Kickstart your heart.

Is there something awesome that you have always wanted to do? Maybe you want to make an album.  Maybe you want to breathe life back into the baseball scorecard.  Maybe you want to finally give Detroit a Robocop Memorial Statue. The point is, people would love it, but you just don’t have the money.

Not anymore.  With the help of the new website Kickstarter you can fund whatever creative dreams you desire, so long as you can find backers. Kickstarter uses a microloan system similar to the Kiva loans we blogged about before.  The Kiva loans are cool because you help people out and ideally, you get your money back to help out even more people.  Kickstarters project creators don’t give your money back, but they do give you all sorts of amazing packages in return for your donations.

If you watch my friend Ginger’s video you can see the huge variety of prizes involved with being a backer.  It ranges from a high five to a digital download of the project all the way to spending time with the artist.  These are one of a kind people offering you a chance to be a part of their dreams.  Who wouldn’t love the chance to be on your favorite singer’s album, or better yet go busking with them like a pair of troubadours?  I’m sorry I missed out on that one.

Get to it!  You’re probably missing out RIGHT NOW!

Comment if you back a project.  It would make our day.  And an artist’s day.  And your day.   Go make three days in one!


Filed under Do Good., Music, Things with Pages

Drool and that New Vinyl Smell: Here comes Record Store Day 2011!

A bit of my stash.

When I was a kid I bought vinyl strictly for the purposes of economy.  Yard sales and record stores held goldmines of classic music.  I bought Pink Floyd’s The Wall for a quarter.  Most record stores have used bins where vinyl is just a few bucks.

As my relationship with vinyl has grown over more than a decade, I’ve realized its real value.  Vinyl is a five senses experience.  You carry the record home and take it out of the sleeve.  The 12×12 record sleeve is more than four times the size of a jewel case, and infinitely larger than an iPod thumbnail so you can actually SEE the artwork.  As the needle physically hits the groove you thumb through the liner notes and any of the extra goodies vinyl often comes with.  There are people who love vinyl because that makes them interesting.  There are also music lovers who love vinyl for the five senses experience.  iTunes is like renting movies from Netflix.  Vinyl is like going to the theatre. 

Sgt. Pepper's with mustache and armpatch insert, Kiss Alive! with poster insert, Jethro Tull Thick as a Brick original newspaper packaging.

Record stores have taken a nasty hit from the .mp3 revolution.  I love that I can have access to essentially all music via the internet, but there was something so special about finally finding that Agent Orange record, or going to the record store on Tuesday (traditional release day) to pick up an album you’ve read about and are dying for.

The record stores are making a comeback though.  Maybe you’re not a vinyl geek, but you should support what’s left of this industry.  These stores aren’t run, they’re curated.  Some stores are really punky.  Some are run by guys that still have a little Woodstock mud stuck in their armpit.  Some have owners that will be playing French jazz one minute and the New York Dolls the next.

Record Store Day this year is April 16th.  Tons of bands are putting out exclusive albums that will be limited runs available for Record Store Day.  This is a great chance to see how incredible these places are.  How cool would it be to buy your first record on Record Store Day and have it be one of only 2500?  You’d be a collector right out of the gate.  Support local music, and get to know your local record store.  See you guys at Holdfast in Asbury Park if you’re in Jersey, or Melody Records if you’re in the District!

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Filed under District of Coolumbia, From the Web, Jersey's Finest., Music

The People’s T-shirt.

Ah, the t-shirt.   It’s comfy.  It’s cheap and easy to take care of.  It covers your nipples in public.  After years of faithful service your dad washes his car with them.  T-shirts are man’s best friend.

T-shirts also have the potential to turn you into a big walking canvas, so why not make the art cool?  “Carson’s Plumbing Emporium” may have been where you worked 2 summers ago, but it’s not exactly going to draw any attention from prospective love interests is it?

Enter our hero, Threadless T-Shirts. Threadless uses the simple but wildly

Image from Threadless on Facebook. Check them out!

 genius tactic of allowing ANYONE to submit t-shirt designs in the hopes of winning a cash prize. You, the future t-shirt wearer, vote on your favorite designs and then get to buy them. Support independent designers. Support user generated content. Cover your nipples. Everybody wins.

The image to the right is one of the hundreds of extremely creative and unique designs from Threadless.  After all, who’s still impressed by faux-vintage soft drink advertisement t-shirts?

If a Joker Regina isn’t your thing then you’ll without doubt find something you love.  They’ve also got reusable water bottles, tote bags, and smartphone cases.

If you don’t check out threadless, you’ll regret it when this lady shows up to feed you krumpets until you burst.

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By the buy…

Update: This just in from the Washington Bureau…

In the District of Coolumbia you have to maximize your cheap opportunities or you just may never find out what might be cool in our nation’s capital. What’s better than getting a Groupon deal sent to your inbox every morning? Getting two.
Living Social operates in the same fashion that Groupon does – with one awesomely discounted deal from a local business. Don’t forget that with both Groupon and Living Social you can even specialize to your region outside of the featured cities. Living Social has just announced a family edition so now you can have some guidance as to what to do with those kiddos or teenagers in tow—and show them a good time on the cheap! There are also escapes, vacation deals in the area at half off. If you share any of these deals on facebook or twitter, and have 3 friends buy the deal – it’s free for you!
Half off a day of clay-pigeon shooting ain’t unique enough for you? Zozi is perfect for those looking to up their adventure game. It utilizes the group buying power to offer discounted deals – but Zozi’s deals are all outdoor activities (or at least atypical ones – more than restaurants and spas). Flipping through the different cities, right now they are offering scuba diving classes, a sip & cycle tour in Napa Valley, and a sailing excursion. Zozi just launched in late August so they are currently expanding to more cities.

The best thing about these three deal sites is that they are national – so you can get cool and cheap adventures out of your next trip by checking out the deals in that neck of the woods!

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Filed under District of Coolumbia, From the Web


Real music archivists are a special breed.  These folks follow the traditions of the Lomax family by recording live music performances and providing them completely raw (no post production) for the public.  Archivists give us the ability to capture music in its truest state.  You can hear the artist without autotune or layers and layers of multitracking.  You get everything from the audience’s frenetic energy and uproar to that one idiot who implores any females on stage to expose their naughty bits.  Yeah, you gotta take the bad with the good.

The most important thing these archivists do is allow access to the past.  The Lomax family is responsible for most of the Smithsonian’s earliest pieces of recorded folk music.  Lucky for all of us, this tradition carries on with the folks at NYCtaper.

Tape trading used to be a big part of the pre-internet music scene.  Archivists and hardcore fans could join mailing groups to find out who had the recording of the Pink Floyd concert they saw in ’77 or that one famous Grateful Dead show from 16 years ago in San Francisco.  Then, you’d have to come up with something to trade for it from your collection.  You’re far luckier, however, to live in the internet age.  NYCtaper puts up tons of free content.  All they ask in return is that you support the acts that you download, and not be a total cheapskate and use this as a replacement for the album.  I downloaded a Nada Surf show and a Nicole Atkins show (2 bands I’ve both paid to see and bought records from).  If you’re like the millions of suburban kids who simply have no means to be in a music scene as vibrant as New York City or you simply live in East Bumblescrump, Pennsyltucky this is a great way to hear the best of what’s coming out of the 5 boros.  Go check it out, and enjoy!

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Filed under Music

Virginia is for movie lovers

We try not to make too many hard and fast judgements here at This Thing Might Be Cool: all these things we’re posting about just MIGHT be cool; you have to check them out yourself to know for sure.

That being said, I know in this community of people who value cool stuff for less, we can all agree on one indisputable truth: it costs too much to go see a movie in a theater these days. Even worse, if you’re any sort of normal person, you probably want to munch on a snack or two, which easily costs more than half of your exorbitantly inflated ticket price. If you’re a generous friend, or you have a better half, it’s only natural to cringe as you take out that crisp twenty. Especially when you could have happily used that money for more stuff here, here or here.

So why not drop the zero – and make it an even $2 for you & yours to see a picture show? On Monday nights, it only costs a buck to see a movie at the Arlington Cinema ‘N Drafthouse. Beneath the giant pink Arlington sign that brings this fair city light
With Valentine’s Day falling on a Monday this year, your sweetheart could easily be impressed by your thriftiness and your ability to support a historically cool business. The Drafthouse has been a staple of Arlington for 25 years, and the building itself, a theater dubbed “Old Arlington” has been there for 65. My co-worker gets a wistful look in her eye when I tell her I’m headed there for the night.

There is a full bar & restaurant within the theater – so draft beers are just one of the many delicious options you can sip on in front of the silver screen. Waitresses know to come by only if you turn an orange skinny flag to stand up rather than keeping it laying flat on your table. Every item on the menu, excepting steak, pizzas and salmon, is less than $10.

The Drafthouse is a sub-run theater, so movies come here after they are out of theaters but before they are released on DVD, which means on all the other days of the week, the most they charge for a movie is $5.50. But this place isn’t just for cinephiles: A full stage sits behind the screen to host live events. The Drafthouse has a parade of nationally touring stand-up comedians coming through their doors each year. The theater holds watch parties for major sports, political or entertainment events, hosts annual screenings of old classics like Office Space (for V-Day they’re playing The Princess Bride), and offers wine classes with the Washington Wine Academy.

So pull up an oversized comfy swivel chair to a table filled with alcoholic beverages and munchies, taking in an Academy Award nominated film (or an old favorite) – and try not to smile too smugly as you think of the people who paid more for so much less. Fight the man; go to the Arlington Cinema ‘N Drafthouse!

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Filed under District of Coolumbia, Eat this!

Back to work.

One thing becomes glaringly apparent when you decide to maintain a blog and try to post on a regular basis.

I now have incredible respect for the self-discipline of daily bloggers.  I sometimes let things fall away for over a month and these folks can churn out posts more often than some people shower.  Kudos to you bloggers with more discipline than me.

So today, I drop some respect for blogs that do exactly that.  These folks turn blogging into a religion, but still keep it really fun to read.  So what should we call it?  Blogolicism?  Blogestant?  Kabloggah?  (Oh come on, everybody likes cheap wordplay!)

One of a LOT.

1. Here’s a blog I would have thought would get old.  On day 4.  I’m usually not a fan of things like lolcatz where one theme gets beaten to death.  This site is fairly new, and getting a bit of buzz, but it really puts a smile on my face…and Tom Hanks’.

At Tom Hanks is a Lot of Animals you get exactly that. Everyday, Tom Hanks appears as a new animal. How they got him into all of those crazy costumes I’ll never know, but it must have cost a fortune.

You should check out the site.  This was today’s but my favorite is probably the parrot.

2.  Simply genius.  This gentleman has already had his blog turned into one book and is taking pre-orders for the second.  This blog is a countdown of1000 Awesome Things. Now, you may be thinking it’ll cover things like Mr. T, time travel, or the Large Hadron Collider, but it’s about the simple awesome things we sometimes forget.

Stuff like “jumping through the sprinkler with your bathing suit on” or “the smell that comes out of a bakery” or “grabbing a tissue at the last second before you sneeze.”  This blog is a way to remember for all the suckitude life can hand out there’s an equal amount of awesome.

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